How to explain data through visualizations

People process information and difficult subject matter much more effectively through visual explanations rather than written and spoken content. According to numerous studies, people process visual information ten of thousands of times more quickly than written text, and people who receive information through visual content are 43 percent more likely to do as they are told in the presentation. Visual assets are hugely powerful tools all businesses should utilize, regardless of size.

Data Visualization

The concept of data visualization is to present data in more digestible and comprehensible forms through images, charts, graphs, graphics and more. It has been scientifically proven that the majority of people are visual learners. The effectiveness of visuals increases with more complicated data and subject matter. To make your audience pay better attention, and to ensure they remember the majority of your presentation or reports, be sure to include visuals to make a significant impact.

Visual Impact

The impact of visuals exist in a number of ways. The brain simply processes visual data and complex information more quickly and easily. Examining a detailed white paper or spreadsheets can be exhausting, daunting and time-consuming. The visual impact of an image or chart can allow a person to grasp data in a matter of seconds rather than to be explained over many pages or worksheets that would typically require 15 minutes or more to examine and read, and there is no certainty of comprehension. Using visuals can also save time and labor costs while improving engagement rates, conversions and company likeability. As an added bonus, many SaaS and web-based companies and organizations provide platforms that allow you to create or borrow the most stunning and impactful visuals for little to no cost to your business.

Types and Strategies

You can use any number of visual types for different reasons to improve your impact. If you wish to convey powerful statistics and financial information, charts and graphs are most effective. This can be effective in pitch meetings, presentations and internal weekly management updates. If you wish to relate a larger amount of data, you might consider creating a customized infographic. Images are a wonderful way to establish relationships and powerful connections with your consumer base. And do not forget about using all of the above on various social media channels for the best results.

Data Insights and Analysis

Once you place data into visuals you can far more easily identify patterns, trends and behavior of customers, operations and industries. You can clearly see where your business falls short, the areas in which your employees are less productive and find the marketing campaigns that are underperforming. This will allow you to easily and swiftly adapt your processes and procedures, fine tune budget strategies and improve employee job satisfaction. You can also improve inventory management and sales projections.


It is important to remember that if you do not create an image, graphic, chart or other visual entirely from scratch, you must be mindful of copyright protection and sourcing. Many people and businesses will allow individuals to use their visuals either for free if used for commercial purposes or for free if you plan to alter or adapt the visual in some way. Other visuals must be purchased to be able to use for either personal or business use. And in many cases, it is customary to give credit to the original source of the visual.

When you use visual content, you will present a more dynamic, effective and memorable report or presentation, as well as improve your bottom line in all departments from marketing to sales. Explore the RightsPlatform growing library of 2 million images, figures, tables, charts and graphs. Find the perfect visual assets for your project or publication.

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